Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Kissed Work Goodbye and Looking Forward to Some Rest and Relaxation

So I buckled down and finally finished all my curriculum work today, and hopefully it'll all get approved next week. They say that all work and no play makes V a dull girl, and I've simply got to snatch a spa moment soon... I'm afraid I'll get all wrinkly if I don't get some much needed Rest and Relaxation.

As my girlfriends know, I'm a huge fan of spa weekends! With the subsequent Holy Week long weekend, I think I'm going to end up practically living at my favourite spas. Of course, I did hear some extremely juicy news about a certain Manila spa offering special services to lonely matrons. I'd totally go there if I knew where it was... why settle for a massage when you get a happy ending to go with it? Lol!

Seriously, I don't get why it's so acceptable for men to get happy endings with their massages. Even some prestigious hotels offer those kinds of special services to powerful businessmen, and no one seems to think any less of them. Why is it that only women who are perceived as desperate/lonely are considered apt clientele for extra service spas? Talk about a lack of equality!

I should totally go to one of those spas just to prove that a young, gorgeous woman could still be on the prowl for some hassle-free orgasms! :P

Monday, March 29, 2010

Saturday at the Manor and The Little Red Book

 I'm totally the type of girl to kiss and tell, and OMG I just had an awesome weekend. Met a hot guy at Manor and one minute we were dancing, and the next... hello, orgasm! He kept me up all night long, and the sex was so hot that I decided to keep him around on Sunday as well.

Now, I normally give these guys a one-night expiration date, but I was glad I kept this one around. He spent the day going down on me, and I have to admit, that was probably the best Sunday I've had in a looong time! I was kind of sorry to kick him out afterwards, but alas, you know me-- I hate long goodbyes, haha!

It looks like my Little Red Book is going to get a decent entry in it this time, and I have to say that it's about time. I've got a bunch of loser marks in here, ranging from 2 out of 5 for sexual skills to a mere 1 out of 5 for oral skills! This boy, on the other hand, is going down as a solid perspective Fucking Friend-- 4.5 for sheer oral pleasure. Gotta love it.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Work-Related Blues, Subsequent Play, and OMG It's A Good Thing I'm On The Pill

Oh God, I HATE that new head teacher of ours! She's such a bitchy know-it-all! I can't believe she would add so many new topics to our curriculum on such short notice! Now all the advanced work I did last week has gone to waste and I had to spend my week redoing a bunch of stuff. I'm not one to bitch about paying my dues to the system, but I will speak up if I'm not getting a proper heads-up. This is what I get for working at a private school!

Anyway, I had such a horrible day at work that I ended up grabbing some drinks at a bar along Q.Ave. I wasn't there too long before some guy came up to me and started hitting on me, and one thing lead to another and I brought him home. He was cute enough-- a bit preppy-looking and boring, though. Turns out he wasn't a very good lay, and to top it all off, he didn't have any condoms! Ugh! Normally I'm incredibly religious about using protection, but I was so drunk, horny, and pissed off at work that I let him go ahead.

Thank God I'm on the pill, otherwise I could have some serious baby issues in a few months' time. I always give Charlize and Pam a hard time about going to the Oby-Gyne, but after tonight's episode, I may actually consider paying her a visit myself...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Weekend Coffee With The Girls, Work Week Begins!

Had entirely too much fun chatting with the girls last weekend. Between Pam going on and on about that Erik guy and Charlize championing her latest cause, I almost didn't get a word in edgewise. I totally adore seeing my girls, but I have to admit that I do love teasing them every now and then. Pam wouldn't be quiet about Erik, and I have to wonder if I'm really the bad girl of the group! After all, I'm sure her boyfriend Raphael wouldn't like hearing about her cozy coffee break dates with Erik, haha!

It was a quiet weekend, all in all, and now that I've dropped Shane off at the airport, I'm on the prowl once more. While it was a fun experience, living with a man is SO not my style, and I'm just happy to have the place to myself again.

Still, I'm looking forward to the week ahead... looking for a new guy is always fun, and the chase is the best part! ;)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Couch Surfing, Shane, and Goodbyes

It's Shane's last night tonight, and I have to say that I'm half sorry to see him go. We've had SO much fun together the past couple of weeks, and from surfing in Baler to clubbing in Manor, it's just been a wild, sexy ride. All the girls would be drooling with envy knowing that I had this gorgeous surfer guy all to myself for 2 whole weeks. (I'd post a picture but hey, part of the fun is keeping all my readers guessing, haha.)

I knew couch surfing would lead me to meeting some interesting people, and I totally recommend it to anyone who's interested! ;) For those unfamiliar with it, it's all about sharing your culture and offering your couch (generally for free, though some hosts accept a small donation), for a week or two to a foreigner. If you're a guest, you're obligated to be neat, polite, and engaging. (No emo folks need apply!) If you're a host, you should be accommodating, polite, and generally you shouldn't try to take advantage of your guests in any way (unless they want you to, *wink wink*).

I would never take advantage of any of my guests, of course, but I will say that being a couch surfing host has let me tick off more than a few countries off my "list". ;)

It's kinda like bingo... do I get a prize if I get 5 in a row? :D

Well, I should probably stop blogging now. Shane and I are going to grab a later dinner then back to my place for packing and... other things. ;)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Shopping and Chance Encounters at the LV Store

Shane and I got back from Baler late this afternoon, and I had time to duck away to enjoy my other passion-- shopping! You know, nothing beats the smell of a new LV bag. The crisp, smooth leather, the tantalizing heaviness of the gold ball bearings... God! I am SO in love with LV. Who cares if I had to defer payment over the next 6 months? My new baby is on my arm and here to stay!

Of course, my new Speedy wasn't the only thing I met at the LV store... when I was browsing, a perfectly-manicured hand tapped me on the shoulder and 'lo and behold-- it was Trisha. Trisha, who I had completely hot groping session with in the bathroom stall of a club-that-shall-not-be-named seven months ago!

I have to admit, I was completely flabbergasted! When I first met her, we were completely drunk, covered in foam, and she had on a dress that was more transparent than opaque. Today, she was decked out in a stylish plum suit and looked perfectly respectable. She said she was also shopping for a new LV bag as a treat for herself (she'd just won a big case), and that she'd appreciate any suggestions I may have.

I told her I liked the size of the Speedies, and she flashed me a small grin and asked if I wanted to go lingerie shopping with her after. She needed help in the dressing room and wanted me to help 'adjust her straps'... omg! Lol. I'm absolutely shameless, but I have to admit that even *I* turned a little red. I think I blurted out that I preferred dick or something equally stupid, then rushed out of the store!

I have nothing against Trisha, but I think that I only need *one* strong, aggressive woman around, and that's me! :P

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Weekend, At Last: Sun and Fun in Baler

Finally have the chance to just chill over the weekend!!

After my hectic week at work, all I want to do is kick off my heels, shake my hair loose, and dance the night away! Fortunately, Shane and I have plans to go for surfing fun in Baler, and I'm sure we'll be able to find some local (i.e. hot and rustic) dance floor somewhere near there. After all, if our little romps and flirtations at home are any indication, Shane is going to have awesome moves on the dance floor just like the ones he has in bed

I just finished packing and we're leaving in a few minutes. I'm not sure if my mobile broadband will work when I get there, but let's hope it does! I don't know how interested I am in surfing for real, but I do know that's it's chance to show Shane (and the rest of the beach) how hot I look in my new bronze bikini:

And no, that isn't me in the image above, that's some random chick modeling *my* bikini! I'm actually much hotter than that. ;)

If any of my readers have been to Baler and would like to suggest places to visit/ awesome restos to check out, please drop a comment! I'll be sure to give you a shout-out to thank you.

Hope everyone has a sexy weekend! (I know I will.)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

How To Deal With Moms, Pills, and Dating Other Girls

Mother called this morning. She was asking me to come over and help with some papers or something, but I'm so extremely busy being fabulous that I just don't have the time! It's bad enough that my period was giving me cramps all day-- I really don't think I have the energy to deal with my mom right now.

Still, I suppose it could be worse. I used to have really bad dysmenorrhea when I was younger, but it got better when I became sexually active and started taking the Pill. (Hey, I'm promiscuous, not stupid-- there's no way I'm getting preggers by accident.) ;)

I've been taking pills since I was 17, and the only time I ever stopped was when I was giving it a go with girls. I was 21, about to graduate from Ateneo, and I wanted to make sure that I finished college with a bang!

I still remember how my first experience went... it was with a full-on lesbian badminton friend of mine, and we got really drunk one night and... va-va-voom! After that, I realized that I was actually quite bisexual (with a preference for men, that is). Actually, I think that everyone is bisexual by default, and we just let society and/or religion tell us otherwise.

Without all the bullshit, people are just people, and we're all horny. ;) There's also something to be said for sex with another girl... after all, who better to know what a woman wants than another woman?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Bidding Adieu to My Flavor of the Month

I just kissed my current flavor of the month goodbye yesterday, and I have to say that I was NOT sorry to hear him go. He was fun at first, but the more I got to know him, the whinier he became. All he ever did was complain about work and how much he hated his boss, and OMG I really couldn't care less. I mean, as we were having dinner last night, I couldn't help but wonder where the hot, sexy guy I met at Manor went. Suddenly, I was stuck with a 30-something yuppie in a tie... how boring!

It's times like this that I'm SO happy I came up with my 2-week rule... that is, I should never keep a guy around longer than 2 weeks! It may sound harsh, but I think that 2 weeks is the perfect amount of time to get to know someone. Any longer than that and the cracks in their perfect facade start showing through. After all, everyone puts their best foot forward during the first few dates, and the sex is always much more intense when you're still trying to bend over backwards (sometimes literally) to impress each other. But men at their core are extremely flawed beings, and as soon as they start feeling comfy enough to whine, burp, and/or eat garlic in front of you, it's time to kiss them goodbye!

I couldn't be less interested in a long term relationship, and baggage that clings just isn't for me. Of course, being the late bloomer that I am, once could say that I'm making up for lost time. Ever since I hit college in Ateneo, I haven't looked back. By my count, that's approximately 109 men... LOL! I don't know that I'm looking for Mr. Right, but it sure is fun trying! ;)

In other news, I spent a ridiculous amount of OT at work today. One of my little monsters glued his seatmate's skirt to her seat during arts and crafts, and while I was busy trying to unstick her, he made the other kids eat paste! It was chaos, and the principal freaked out and made me apologize to every single one of the parents who came to pick their kids up. I swear... if I didn't love these kids so much, I'd kill 'em.

I've been PMS'ing all day-- did they really have to add to the hardship? -_-

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Welcome To My New Blog!

Isn't my new blog absolutely delish? Danny, my ultimate geek-friend, helped me design it! I'm so excited to share stories of my ultra fabulous life with all my gorgeous readers. (After all, you're only truly fab if other people are jealous, haha.)

Me and my besties Charlize and Pam
(I'm the hot one) ;)

I don't have many readers yet (aside from my faithful besties Charlize and Pam), so I guess I should give you guys a bit of background info on me...

I'm a crazy, curious, sexy girl who loves living and everything that comes with it. People sometimes say I'm over-the-top, but that's just who I am. I make no excuses for enjoying life, because god knows it's way too short. I also love to gossip with my girls, though being the busy bees that we are means that most of our convos happen online. No worries, though-- Twitter and Facebook keeps us constantly in touch.

My blog, like my life, will be getting a little racy-- consider yourselves warned! There are no prudes allowed in Vanessa's Secret. ;)

Have an awesome week, everyone! Catch you later~
