Monday, April 26, 2010

No Man's Land... Party Pickings

Okay, so admittedly I've been horrible and toxic lately. What do you expect when you lay your heart out there for the first time in years and then someone stomps all over it?

I was trying to pick myself up out of my funk last Friday by throwing a small bash with Pam and Charlize, and it was completely disastrous! I must have someone Up There totally hating on me, as I ended up getting my rug puked on and dentures thrown in my face. Fuck!

I told the girls to go ahead and bring their friends to my party, and Charlize brought her buddy-buddy Jake who in turn brought an under-aged date! Wow, talk about a throwback to college days... and not in a good way! Twinkle (and yes, that was her real name) couldn't hold her liquor and ended up running to the bathroom before the end of the night, and of course she missed the toilet and puked all over my gorgeous purple rugs.

Pam was solicitous, Charlize was embarrassed, BUT I WAS STEAMING MAD!! I threw that stupid girl AND Jake out of my apartment faster than you can count to three, but of course she left me a parting gift-- her dentures flew off and smacked me in the face. Fucking fantastic.

Aside from the fact that dentures at 17 is just plain sad, I couldn't help but feel sorry for the most pathetic person there: ME. I threw the party to get over Edward, but I ended up with no date, no hook-up, and a filthy, puke-filled bathroom.

Is this an off month for me, or what??

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